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image of rough violin body in process

Finding the Singing Spruce
Jasper Waugh-Quasebarth

orange background with mall small gray stick figures carrying signs

Critical Geographies of Youth
Edited by Gloria Howerton
and Leanne Purdum

white background with blue text and image of a red and white target with blue arrows, one arrow pinning a diploma to the target center

An Accidental Triumph
Sol Gittleman

black text on a light neon orange background with a gradient photo of a Black teenage boy in a school photo

The In-Betweens
Davon Loeb

white text surrounded by black on a teal background with a moon; the white outline of a house with a door and window inside an orange half circle with white dot stars

In Other Lifetimes All I’ve Lost Comes Back to Me
Courtney Sender

black cover with three constellations in gold with text in white and blue

The Wounds That Bind Us
Kelley Shinn

red, orange, and blue text on a blue background with a photo of college students working in groups in a library

Improving Learning and Mental Health in the College Classroom
Robert Eaton, Steven V.
Hunsaker, and Bonnie Moon

black vertical stripe on the left with white text; drawn picture of a coronavirus in blue, green, yellow, and white

Essential Voices
Edited by Amy M. Alvarez,
Pamela Gemme, Shana
Hill, and Alexis Ivy

photo still from There Will Be Blood of a the back of a man sitting on a stool watching flames erupt some distance in front of him

Transportation and the Culture of Climate Change cover
American Energy Cinema
Edited by Robert Lifset, Raechel
Lutz, and Sarah Stanford-McIntyre