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painting of a black girl laying on a light wood-grain floor with her arms overhead; text reads Mama Said: Stories by Kristen Gentry

Mama Said
Kristen Gentry

white background with black lettering overtop the side profile of a young black man in pixelated black and white; text reads Shattered: Fragments of a Black Life by Matthieu Chapman

Matthieu Chapman

black text on a light neon orange background with a gradient photo of a Black teenage boy in a school photo

The In-Betweens
Davon Loeb

Abigail Field Mott’s The Life and Adventures of Olaudah Equiano: A Scholarly Edition
Edited by Eric D. Lamore

White text on teal background with an orange circle in the middle containing and black line drawing of Black person's arm bent upright at the elbow and the hand making a fist

Imperium in Imperio
Sutton E. Griggs
Edited by Tess Chakkalakal
and Kenneth W. Warren

The Harlan Renaissance, black and white photo of five Black children arranged in heigh order in front of a front porch where a Black woman stands behind the railing

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The Harlan Renaissance
William H. Turner

Memoirs of the Life, Religious Experience, Ministerial Travels, and Labours of Mrs. Elaw cover, woodblock image of Mrs. Elaw

Memoirs of the Life,
Religious Experience,
Ministerial Travels, and
Labours of Mrs. Elaw

Zilpha Elaw
Edited by Kimberly D. Blockett

The Black Butterfly
Marcus Wood


William H. Anderson and Walter H. Stowers
Edited by Eric Gardner and Bryan Sinche


Lowest White Boy
Greg Bottoms

Appalachian Reckoning
Edited by Anthony Harkins and
Meredith McCarroll

Walter F. White: The NAACP's Ambassador for Racial Justice
Robert L. Zangrando and
Ronald L. Lewis

The Hindered Hand
Sutton E. Griggs
Edited by John Cullen Gruesser
and Hanna Wallinger

Marked Unmarked Remembered
Andrew Lichtenstein and
Alex Lichtenstein

The Night I Freed John Brown

Sketches of Slave Life and
From Slave Cabin to Pulpit

Peter Randolph
Edited by Katherine Clay Bassard

The Colonel's Dream

The Colonel's Dream
Charles W. Chesnutt
Edited by R.J. Ellis

Memoirs of Elleanor Eldridge

Memoirs of Elleanor Eldridge
Original Text by France Harriet Whipple
with Elleanor Eldridge

Freedom’s Witness

Freedom’s Witness
Edited by Jean Lee Cole

History of the American Negro

History of the American Negro
A. B. Caldwell
Introduction by Joe Trotter

A Nickel and a Prayer

Kindle Edition
A Nickel and a Prayer
Jane Edna Hunter
Edited by Rhondda Robinson Thomas
Foreword by Joycelyn Moody

Hearts of Gold

Hearts of Gold
J. McHenry Jones
Edited by John Ernest and Eric Gardner

Old South, New South, or Down South?

Kindle Edition
Old South, New South, or Down South?
Edited by Irvin D. S. Winsboro